Atomic Weapons: The C++ Memory Model and Modern Hardware

This is a two-part talk that covers the C++ memory model, how locks and atomics and fences interact and map to hardware, and more. Even though we’re talking about C++, much of this is also applicable to Java and .NET which have similar memory models, but not all the features of C++ (such as relaxed atomics).


至少把 Jserv 的 并行程序设计: 执行顺序 的前半段 (即内存模型前面的那一部分) 掌握,特别是重要的概念 happens-before

Part 1

Optimizations, races, and the memory model





8-2 在没有编译器和处理器进行指令重排序的情况下,执行结果也可能不如你预期那样,因为 Store Buffer 和 Memmory 的内容可能不是一致的,这样造成的结果是:

It’s exactly as if you had reordered them and done the read before the write

Damn! 去除编译器和处理器的指令重排序后,居然还会出现和重排序一样的结果!!(这是 Cache 带来的挑战: 数据不一致) 虽然 Write 操作发生在 Read 之前 (Write happeding-before Read),但是 Write 的效果在 Read 之后才可见 (Read happens-before Write)。所以编译器、处理器和 Cache 都可以做到指令重排序的效果。

BTW 这段程序里每个 thread 对 flag 的 Read 和 Write 在编译器 / 处理器看来是独立的 (independent),它们没法推断出这两个操作之间的顺序 (ordering) 关系,所以极大可能会进行重排序,当然结果不会符合你的预期。


10-2 SC-DRF 提高了程序执行的效能



pink elephants
no sequential jump, for example, you hit step next and you go up, or you hit step next and your current line disappears and you're nowhere.

acquire and release ordering

mutexes vs. atomics vs. fences

Part 2

Restrictions on compilers and hardware (incl. common bugs)

code generation and performance on x86/x64, IA64, POWER, ARM, and more

relaxed atomics; volatile

