
What I cannot create, I do not understand.

基于 C 语言标准研究与系统程序安全议题

借由阅读 C 语言标准理解规范是研究系统安全最基础的步骤,但很多人都忽略阅读规范这点,而正因对于规范的不了解、撰写程序的不严谨,导致漏洞的产生的案例比比皆是,例如 2014 年的 OpenSSL Heartbleed Attack1 便是便是因为使用 memcpy 之际缺乏对应内存范围检查,造成相当大的危害。本文重新梳理 C 语言程序设计的细节,并借由调试器帮助理解程序的运作。

Crust of Rust: Sorting Algorithms

In this Crust of Rust episode, we implement some common sorting algorithms in Rust. This episode doesn't aim to explain any single concept, but rather showcase what writing “normal” Rust code is like, and explaining various “odd bits” we come across along the way. The thinking here is that sorting algorithms are both familiar and easy to compare across languages, so this might serve as a good bridge into Rust if you are familiar with other languages.

Linux 核心设计: 发展动态回顾

本講座將以 Thorsten Leemhuis 在 FOSDEM 2020 開場演說 “Linux kernel – Solving big problems in small steps for more than 20 years” (slides) 為主軸,嘗試歸納自 21 世紀第一年開始的 Linux 核心 2.4 版到如今的 5.x 版,中間核心開發者如何克服 SMP (Symmetric multiprocessing), scalability, 及各式硬體架構和周邊裝置支援等難題,過程中提出全面移除 BKL (Big kernel lock)、實作虛擬化技術 (如 Xen 和 KVM)、提出 namespace 和 cgroups 從而確立容器化 (container) 的能力,再來是核心發展的明星技術 eBPF 會在既有的基礎之上,帶來 XDP 和哪些令人驚豔的機制呢?又,Linux 核心終於正式納入發展十餘年的 PREEMPT_RT,使得 Linux 核心得以成為硬即時的作業系統,對內部設計有哪些衝擊?AIO 後繼的 io_uring 讓 Linux 有更優雅且高效的非同步 I/O 存取,我們該如何看待?

RISC-V Optimization Guide 重点提示

The intention is to give specific actionable optimization recommendations for software developers writing code for RISC-V application processors.

近日 RISE 基金会发布了一版 《RISC-V Optimization Guide》,其目的是为给 RISC-V 应用处理器编写代码的软件开发人员提供具体可行的优化建议。本次活动的主要内容是解读和讨论该文档内容。

Crust of Rust: Channels

In this (fifth) Crust of Rust video, we cover multi-produce/single-consumer (mpsc) channels, by re-implementing some of the std::sync::mpsc types from the standard library. As part of that, we cover what channels are used for, how they work at a high level, different common channel variants, and common channel implementations. In the process, we go over some common Rust concurrency primitives like Mutex and Condvar.
